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Kinematic and Dynamic Analysis

EASY5 Engineering Analysis Software

Boeing Computer Services

EASY5 Engineering Analysis Software is used to model, simulate, analyze,and design complex dynamic system. EASY5 can be applied to continuous anddiscontinuous nonlinear and linear systems, and/or multirate sampled datasystems.EASY5 is used throughout the aerospace and automotive industries to modeland analyze a broad range of electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic,mechanical, and thermal systems. Hierarchical system models can beconstructed using a graphics-based menu-driven interface that conforms toMotif. System models are built using hundreds of predefined modelingcomponents or user-defined FORTRAN components.Application-specific reusable modeling components can be created tosupplement those provided with EASY5. EASY5 contains a set of nonlinearand linear analyses, and system design capabilities, all of which areapplied to the same system model. Nonlinear analyses include simulationand steady-state. Linear analyses include frequency response, root locus,Jacobian, eigenvalue, eigenvector, power spectral density, and singularvalue calculations.

Language: FORTRAN, C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: FORTRAN compiler
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Boeing Computer Services
PO Box 3707 3C-LF
Seattle, WA 98124
Phone: (206) 865-3622
        (800) 426-1443
Fax: (206) 865-2966